Our Opportunities
NOTE: The current General Application for Endowed/Annual Scholarships for 25/26 is currently available. Please contact Financial Aid Office if you have any questions or concerns at 815-836-5263 or finaid@lewisu.edu.
The Endowed and Annual Scholarship Application is open to all traditional undergraduate majors and select graduate majors depending on opportunities available. Award amounts are estimated and may vary each fiscal year. There is the possibility that a scholarship is listed but not funded for the current academic year. If you are chosen as a recipient, your name will appear in scholarship publications and elsewhere as appropriate. Some scholarships require certain obligations before they are disbursed onto students’ accounts. Students may only receive one Endowed or Annual Scholarship per academic year. Please be advised your Financial Aid award may be adjusted should you be selected for a scholarship opportunity.
Award | Name | Actions |
$1,750.00 |
Dr. Russell H. Levy Memorial Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 1995 with a generous gift from...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$4,450.00 |
Dr. Shirley McFaul Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2002 from a generous gift from the...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$2,600.00 |
Dr. William and Berenice McHale Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established through the generous gift of several...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$3,270.00 |
Edward D. Lewis and Philip D. Lewis Endowed
The Edward D. Lewis and Philip D. Lewis Endowed scholarship was...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$5,800.00 |
Elvira Hogan Endowed Scholarship for Governmental Accounting
This scholarship was established in 2003 with a generous gift from Dr....
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$2,750.00 |
Emily Howe Fisk Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established to support nursing or science...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$4,950.00 |
F. James Staszak Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2010 by a generous gift from Donald...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$2,050.00 |
Falese Family Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship has been generously gifted by the Falese Family Endowed...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$3,700.00 |
Father John F. Brennan Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 1989 by Tony Benacka, ‘53, one of...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$3,000.00 |
Frank Bozich Memorial Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 1996 through generous gifts made by...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$1,900.00 |
Gallo-Lenhart Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2009 with a generous gift from...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$1,350.00 |
Golden Flyers Endowed Scholarship
Scholarship Criteria
financial need
graduate or undergraduate in good...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$1,650.00 |
Gordon Kendall Endowed Scholarship
The Gordon Kendall Scholarship is in memory of the late Gordon Kendall,...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$4,500.00 |
Harold E. White Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 1992 with a generous gift from...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$4,400.00 |
Harold Finley Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 1990 by Lewis Trustees, family...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$5,000.00 |
Hearst Foundation Scholarship
student must be a 1st semester sophomore
student must be...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$1,700.00 |
Henry M. Kusher Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2007 with a generous gift from the...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$4,450.00 |
James A. LaGrippe Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was created with the generous contribution of several...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$3,000.00 |
James P. Sczepaniak Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2010 with a generous gift from...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$2,600.00 |
James R. Sefcik Endowed Scholarship
The James R. Sefcik Endowed Scholarship has been established by Mr....
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$2,100.00 |
Jared and Jill Reynolds Endowed Scholarship
The University gratefully acknowledges gifts and/or pledges from Jared...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$3,666.67 |
John A. Eudes Memorial Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2011 to honor the life and legacy of...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$2,800.00 |
John and Cynthia Cumbee Scholarship
1. Be judged in need of financial assistance by the Office of...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$4,500.00 |
John and Karen Kalec Endowed Scholarship
The John and Karen Kalec scholarship was established with a generous...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$1,300.00 |
John and Kim Sonday Endowed Scholarship
The University gratefully acknowledges gifts and/or pledges from the...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$1,400.00 |
John Culik Endowed Scholarship
The University gratefully acknowledges this gift to honor the Estate of...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$3,600.00 |
John T. and Ruth J. Michalik Endowed Scholarship
Students with financial need
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$2,000.00 |
JP Morgan Chase Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was initiated in 1991 by the First Chicago/Gary-Wheaton...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$2,800.00 |
Julianne Murphy Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 1988 in honor of Julianne Murphy, a...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$5,650.00 |
Kathleen and John Buck Lasallian Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2011 with a generous gift from the...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$4,000.00 |
Langert Family / Br. James Gaffney, FSC Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2008 with a generous gift from The...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$2,400.00 |
LaVerne and Dorothy Brown Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2007 with a generous gift from...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$4,650.00 |
Lawrence C. Zlogar Endowed
This endowed scholarship was created to assist a transfer student from...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$1,450.00 |
Lawrence W. Wiers Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established with the generous donation of Mr....
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$3,300.00 |
Lewis University Alumni Scholarship
This scholarship was endowed by members of the Lewis University faculty...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$3,200.00 |
Lewis University Community Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was endowed by members of the Lewis University faculty...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$3,350.00 |
Lillian M. Tunze Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2006 with a generous gift from...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$1,000.00 |
Livingston Family Endowment
The University gratefully acknowledges this pledge form Dr. David and...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
varies |
Lloyd Lee Endowed Scholarship
This annual scholarship is supported by the generosity of Trustee James...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$2,000.00 |
Lomasney Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established by a generous gift from Mr. Kenneth and...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$2,100.00 |
Marguerite Adams Endowed Nursing Scholarship
This scholarship was established thanks to a generous gift from the...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$3,100.00 |
Margueritte and Joseph J. Vieha Aeronautic Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 1998 with generous gifts from...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
Varies |
Mark A. and Joan T. Olson Family Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2008 with a generous gift from Mark...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$1,650.00 |
Marnie Cavanaugh-Wyatt Memorial Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 1998 in memory of Mrs. Marnie...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$4,150.00 |
Mary Love MacDonald Endowed Scholarship
Nursing major
Undergraduate student in good academic...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$1,700.00 |
Material Service Foundation Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 1965 in memory of Herman Crown, a...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$1,150.00 |
McGirr Endowed Scholarship for humanities, fine arts and communication
The University gratefully acknowledges gifts and/or pledges from Vincent...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$1,500.00 |
Mental Health Awareness Endowed Scholarship
The University gratefully acknowledges gifts and/or pledges from the...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$3,150.00 |
Michael and Jane Swenson Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established with a generous donation from Michael...
Deadline09/01/2025 |
$2,650.00 |
Michael P. Gordon Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2008 with a generous gift from...
Deadline09/01/2025 |